Shipping & Delivery Info
FedEx®, United Parcel Service (UPS®), and United States Postal Service (USPS®) shipments are usually processed within one business day of receipt of payment. See specific product pages for the processing time associated with items shipped using other carriers. Please note that free shipping applies only to points within the contiguous United States.
We use FedEx, UPS, and USPS for small-package deliveries. The choice of when we use each carrier is solely at our discretion. All small package orders are filled and shipped from Greenville, SC 29609.
UPS, FedEx, and USPS delivery times vary in most cases from 1–5 business days. To determine time-in-transit for your item(s), visit the appropriate carrier’s website and use “29609” as the shipper’s zip code.
Please inspect all packages upon delivery. Any damages or shortages MUST be noted on the bill of lading at the time of delivery. Notify the package carrier and Tow Better Dolly™ immediately; we will assist you as fully as we can. Please retain a signed copy of the bill of lading for your records. Be aware that the carrier will make a final determination.
For products too large for small-package shipping, we use LTL carriers,such as XPO Logistics, R+L® Carriers, etc. The customer must be present to take delivery, inspect, and sign for the shipment.
If you purchase an item that ships via freight carrier, you will receive a “Mandatory Delivery Form” or a “Mandatory Terminal Pickup Form.” Both forms include the “Purchase and Shipment Delivery Agreement.” You must complete, sign, and submit the applicable document(s) before we ship your purchase.
You may also choose not to sign this agreement and instead cancel your order without penalty.
Your order will not ship until we receive your completed form.
The trucking company transporting your item(s) classifies the following locations as residential delivery: private residences, apartments, camps, RV parks, churches, construction sites, country clubs, estates, trailer parks, golf courses, farms, marinas, military bases, mini-storage warehouses, and schools.
Liftgate service will be applied to all residential freight deliveries.
A contact telephone number is required for delivery. The carrier may use the number for one of two reasons:
- If your item exceeds the maximum liftgate dimensions, you will need to pick it up from the freight terminal. The trucking company will contact you ONLY if there is a delay in the expected delivery date. Once we provide you with the tracking number and trucking company information, you will need to contact the company and schedule a time for a terminal pick-up.
- If your item does not exceed the maximum liftgate dimensions and will be delivered to your home, then the service provider will use this number to contact you to schedule a delivery appointment. Please note that delivery times are at the sole discretion of the carrier.
Be aware that the truck must be able to access the place of delivery. Also,know that truck freight companies DO NOT require their drivers to unload shipments. Liftgate service simply means the freight is lowered to the ground. It is the customer's responsibility to move the product after it has been lowered to the ground.
NOTE: While we do offer liftgate service, we cannot guarantee it. From time to time, freight drivers do not feel comfortable unloading some of our larger products. As the decision to unload or not is ultimately left to the driver’s discretion, we have no control over that. In the unfortunate situation in which this is the case, the customer will be required to pickup the product from the freight terminal.
Once your order ships, we will provide you with a tracking number and link to the trucking company website. If you foresee an issue with one of the requirements above, then you may contact the trucking company and request that your shipment be held at the delivering terminal. You can then arrange for a terminal pick-up.
For products too large for shipping via small-package carrier, we use LTL carriers, such as XPO Logistics, UPS Freight, R+L® Carriers, etc.
The trucking company transporting your item(s) classifies a business delivery as an address zoned for commercial or industrial real estate. Along with the commercial and industrial zoning stipulation, business must be conducted from this address. If your place of business falls under any of the "residential delivery" classifications stated above in the Residential Freight Delivery section, it will not be considered a business delivery.
Please note the following important information concerning the delivery of your shipment:
- If your business does not have a loading dock, then liftgate service is required.
- When making your purchase, you must select the appropriate liftgate option for your shipping address
- If the incorrect freight option Is selected, the freight carrier will impose significant penalties..
- If you choose the wrong option or decide to change after your order has shipped, then you will incur a re-consignment or re-delivery fee. You will be required to pay these additional fees directly to the trucking company before they will deliver your order. You will be required to pay the difference in the original and new shipping fees plus a substantial re-delivery or re-consignment fee
- Someone must be present to sign for delivery of the item between the standard business hours of 9:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If the business is closed when the driver attempts delivery and re-delivery is required, then you will be responsible for a re-delivery fee. Delays may also result in storage fees that will also be your responsibility.
- The truck must be able to access the place of delivery.
- Truck freight companies DO NOT require their drivers to unload shipments.
- Due to liability concerns, if you do not have a loading dock, the trucking company will not allow you to remove from the back of the truck any shipment or any part of it—NO MATTER HOW SMALL IT MAY BE. Products can only be unloaded by the driver. In this case, you will be required to request liftgate service.
Be aware that the truck must be able to access the place of delivery. Also, know that truck freight companies DO NOT require their drivers to unload shipments. Liftgate service simply means the freight is lowered to the ground. It is the customer's responsibility to move the product after it has been lowered to the ground.
NOTE: While we do offer liftgate service, we cannot guarantee it. From time to time, freight drivers do not feel comfortable unloading some of our larger products. As the decision to unload or not is ultimately left to the driver’s discretion, we have no control over that.In the unfortunate situation in which this is the case, the customer will be required to pick up the product from the freight terminal.
Once your order ships, we will provide you with a tracking number and link to the trucking company’s website. If you foresee an issue with one of the above requirements, then you may contact the trucking company and request that your shipment be held at the delivering terminal. You can then arrange for a terminal pick-up.
For some products, we exclude shipping to many western states. Please carefully read the product page of the item that interests you to determine whether or not we deliver to your state.If we do not deliver to your state, please contact TowSmart Trailers at, or call 562-788-0416.
All products are prepared to order at our distribution center in Greenville, SC. This is a working warehouse—not a retail location. Pick-ups are available Monday through Friday by appointment only and within limited hours. If after making your purchase you want to pick it up, contact us to schedule an appointment.